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Water Conservation: B&AP has a history of crafting successful approaches to demand management and analysis of alternative water supplies. Our depth of knowledge and experience in recycled water use and permitting includes innovative interior hot water uses. Our water conservation experiences span the range of all customer classifications: single-family residential, multi-family residential, commercial, industrial, and throughout entire service areas.


We direct and conduct our own water use monitoring for model verification and calibration of unit and per capita demands. Moreover, our in-house computer programming and software development capabilities allow us to code real-time solutions for measurements and verifications to suit your requirements.


Utility Planning: B&AP has a comprehensive understanding of the hydraulics, engineering, and operational requirements for service-area and sub-area master plans. We provide the understanding and the in-house capacity to develop open-source solutions to meet the administrative functions and operations of your organization.


For more focused project reviews, we routinely prepare Opportunities & Constraints Analyses providing you with comprehensive information for improved decision-making. Deployed during site selection, our alternative alignment analysis considers the use of a variety of construction methods and offers planning studies focused on your specific needs. Additionally, we tailor our analysis to address the environmental and regulatory issues that would otherwise limit, delay, or burden your project with mitigation costs, operational constraints, or protracted permitting processes.


Environmental Planning and Regulatory Permitting:  B&AP has a successful track record of completing coordination and gaining early input from regulatory agency staff. This is accomplished through a transparent process to provide expert opinion.


We provide assistance in finding appropriate funding opportunities for projects and in the completion of grant and loan applications. The foundation of our funding and regulatory permitting assistance is built upon trusted relationships and honest communications with agency staff. This is backed with accurate planning and sound science. As required by the magnitude of the project and regulatory complexity, we can employ a suite of scoping tools that we have developed and codified as a "Permit Coordination Center," or PCC.


We provide assistance in a variety of permit approvals from the Clean Water Act (404, 401, WDR's), Sections 7 & 10 Consultation from the Endangered Species Act, 1602 Agreements from the Department of Fish & Game, as well as Coastal Development Permits from local agencies and the California Coastal Commission. Wherever possible, we seek and obtain exemptions from regulatory permits, while protecting the environment and maintaining public heath and safety requirements.


Grant and Funding Assistance:  Numerous grants and low-interest loans are available to assist in the planning, construction, and implementation of projects. B&AP assists public agencies and private developments with the technical requirements for state and federal grant and low interest loan funding.  Our staff has established relationships with funding agencies and is well versed in the application processes and requirements.   We provide assistance in the writing and administration of funding applications as well as identify applicable funding sources for projects.






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Phone: 925.478.8520