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Water Supply and Conservation


Water Action Plan, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

METRO Bus Wash


The Water Action Plan (WAP) analyzed trends and current water consumption at select Metro facilities for business operations, bus maintenance, and rail maintenance to better understand the relations between current equipment, operations, and total water use.  The WAP developed strategies for water conservation and provided cost-benefit analysis of the recommendations and the strategies prioritized on financial and total water savings basis. The completed analysis projects savings of over 200 million gallons per year of potable water, reduction in quantity and fees for wastewater and stormwater discharge, reduction in GHG emissions, and compliance with requirements for preparation of an Environmental Management System (EMS).

Water and Energy Sustainability Planning, Diablo Country Club

Diablo Country Club


Brezack & Associates Planning is providing Sustainability Planning Assistance for water & energy conservation. This project includes specific guidance on the Club’s options for renewable energy development, including the use of solar power generating systems, and the potential for on site development of recycled water for irrigation.  The project also includes the examination of the major energy and water end use facilities and operations throughout the Club.  The initial energy audit informs the Club on the opportunities for energy and water use conservation, identifies priority conservation opportunities, and provides a focus on grants, rebates, and other incentive programs.

Arantine Hills Water Supply Assessment, City of Corona

Arantine Hills Location


Brezack & Associates Planning completed the Water Supply Assessment (WSA) for Arantine Hills for the City of Corona.  The WSA provides an evaluation of water demand and supplies for the proposed Arantine Hills Specific Plan Development Area pursuant to the requirements of sections 10910-10912 of the California Water Code (CWC).


The WSA evaluation included a description of the existing land uses, proposed Project, relevant existing regulations, existing water supply service areas, and existing water supply and water demands of the City of Corona, as supplied by the City of Corona Department of Water and Power (DWP). The WSA quantified the water demand of the existing land use and of the proposed Project, and identified the difference between the existing land use and uses that would result from the proposed Project. The evaluation considered the reliability and sufficiency of the City’s water supplies.


Utility Planning


Christen Hill Pipeline Alignment Opportunity and Constraints Analysis, North Coast County Water District



Brezack and Associates Planning prepared an opportunities and constraints analysis and report to optimize the selection of a preferred pipeline alignment of approximately 4000 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron pipe.  The project included a reconnaissance level review of the environmental and regulatory permitting requirements associated with the construction of the Christen Hill Pipeline.

The initial planning analysis documented the avoidance of impacts, modifications to reduce potential impacts, as well as the assessment of potential mitigation measures.  Based upon the comparison of constraints, an alignment with the least constraints to project implementation was identified, avoiding potential wetlands and traffic impacts to City streets.

Environmental and Regulatory Planning and Permitting


Field Operations Guidance Handbook, North Coast County Water District

Field Ops Handbook


Brezack & Associates Planning assisted the North Coast Count Water District in the preparation of a Field Operations Handbook to facilitate the implementation of the operation, maintenance, construction, and planning of water distribution activities while maintaining compliance with applicable state and federal environmental, land use, and other regulatory requirements.  The Handbook describes the pertinent procedures to protect the environment while maintaining the District facilities. The Handbook includes a summary of general procedures and responsible work practices, a list of prohibited activities, emergency contact information, a description of applicable regulatory requirements, and a glossary of special status species.

Animal Care Facility Engineering Report for Use of Reclaimed Water dual Plumbed Systems, City of Palm Springs

Animal Care Facility


Brezack & Associates Planning completed the Engineering Report for Use of Reclaimed Water Dual Plumbed Services for the City of Palm Springs Animal Care Facility.  The City of Palm Springs is constructing a one-story animal care facility that will include animal holding and treatment spaces.  The proposed facility will be constructed as a dual plumbed building using both potable and reclaimed water for interior and exterior purposes.  The Engineering Report was prepared pursuant to the requirements of the State of California Department of Public Health, Title 22, Article 5, Dual Plumbed Recycled Water Systems Section 60314 Report Submittal.

Christen Hill Pipeline Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, North Coast County Water District


Brezack & Associates Planning (B&AP) assisted the North Coast County Water District (NCCWD) in the preparation of the Environmental Documentation in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the construction of the Christen Hill Pipeline. B&AP prepared a draft Project Description based on an understanding of the project components, coordination with NCCWD, and review of the project documents.  B&AP analyzed the projects impacts pursuant to the Initial Study checklist as developed by the State of California.  B&AP developed mitigation measures for short-term, construction-related impacts.  B&AP prepared an Initial Study/Mitigation Negative Declaration (IS/MND) addressing the potential impacts associated with the proposed project.


Grant and Funding Assistance

WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grant Application Assistance, City of Brentwood


Brezack & Associates Planning (B&AP) assisted the City of Brentwood in the preparation of a technical proposal, funding plan, and grant application package to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) for the FY2011 Water and Energy Efficiency Grants, pursuant to Funding Opportunity Announcement No. R11SF80303. The objective of the WaterSmart Grant is to leverage local agency money and resources by cost-sharing with USBR on projects that save water, improve energy efficiency, address endangered species, deal with environmental issues, and facilitate transfers to new uses.


The application was prepared for the development of an Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) System within the City’s water distribution system.  The AMR System would allow for accurate water meter readings to be completed from the City offices. The project would also assist the City in identifying any unauthorized uses of water, saving approximately 244 million gallons per year.  The project would increase the conservation of vehicles, gasoline, and manpower by eliminating water meter reads, re-reads, and service starts and stops. 

WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grant Application Assistance, North Coast County Water District


WaterSMARTBrezack & Associates Planning (B&AP) assisted the North Coast County Water District (NCCWD) in the preparation of a technical proposal, funding plan, and grant application package to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) for the FY2010 Water and Energy Efficiency Grants, pursuant to Funding Opportunity Announcement No. R10SF80157. The overall goal of the grant program is increasing conservation for a more efficient use of water in the West.


B&AP assisted NCCWD in the development of a small scale hydrokinetic project that would produce energy gained from high velocities within the water distribution system that would otherwise be wasted. The energy generated would be applied back to the PG&E grid.


Water Technology Application Development


Former Fort Ord-City of Marina Water Demand Model, City of Marina

Marina Demand ModelBrezack & Associates Planning completed a water demand model for the City of Marina lands on the former Fort Ord.  This Project facilitates the City Development Services Department’s ability to project potential impacts of water demands by development, to determine the mix of potable and recycled water demand, and to track when the water supply allotment would be exhausted.


The Project was conceived as a means of estimating timing of projected water demands of 6 major proposed developments.  A unique application of a Geographic Information System (GIS) was developed to graphically display the City’s projected water demands at their physical location, allowing the City to identify areas of high demand, and to plan for mitigation and negotiate conditions of approval.  Launched on an HTML platform, the software was tailored to meet the specific needs of the City.


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